Denial Management

Comprehensive and Practical Solutions In Healthcare Billing

Denial Management

This is an important zone which causes cash blockage if un-addressed timely with skills. Practices don’t focus on the partially denied CPT codes from a claim or miss to address the denial claims from the EOBs. Insurances provide various denial reasons and their set of denial codes which needs to be addressed with timely accurate skilled follow up and resubmission timely to keep the cashflow on.

Trinity RCM has team of experts dedicated to address 100% of all the denials within 48hrs from the EOB received time to fix the denials. Review Medical records and submit to payers or appeal with proper explanation to pay the denied code.

We follow National and Local coverage determinations, Industry best practices, and Government guidelines to ensure the highest quality appeals and successful turnovers. We also provide denial analytics reports, which can be run on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis

Trinity RCM Denial Management

Denials are addressed in quick turn around.

Denials are tracked 100% and reported weekly summary.

Recommendations for preventative measures proactively reduce future denials.

25% average increase in collections